How to Grow a Seed in a Ziplock Bag

By Nouman F

Growing seeds in a ziplock bag is a fun, educational, and simple gardening project that’s perfect for all ages. This method not only ensures a high germination rate but also allows you to observe the fascinating process of seed sprouting up close. Whether you’re a gardening nerd or just looking for a quick science experiment for kids, this guide will walk you through every step.

What Do You Need to Grow Seeds in a Bag?

Before we dive into the steps, let’s gather the necessary materials:

how to grow a seed in a ziplock bag 1
  • A few seeds of your choice (e.g., peas, chives, cilantro)
  • Paper towel or coffee filter
  • Stapler
  • Ziplock bags or any clear plastic bag with a seal
  • A4 sized paper
  • Water
  • Label (for the child’s name, date, and seed name)
  • Ruler
  • Tape
  • Window or warm spot
  • Spray bottle (optional for watering)
  • Permanent marker (e.g., Sharpie)

Steps to Grow a Seed in a Ziplock Bag

Step 1: Prepare the Paper Towel

Start by folding a paper towel or coffee filter in half and then in half again to create a small, thick square. Moisten the paper towel with water until it’s damp but not soaking. Good and wet is essential but avoid excess water which can lead to mold.

Step 2: Add the Seeds

Carefully place the seeds on one half of the moistened paper towel, spacing them about 2-3 cm apart. Fold the towel over the seeds to cover them. This creates a mini-pocket for each seed to germinate, and learn also to grow gourds from seed.

Step 3: Seal the Bag

Place the folded paper towel inside the ziplock bag. Seal the bag, leaving a small opening for air exchange. This small opening will help to create a humid environment while preventing too much moisture build-up.

Step 4: Place the Bag in a Warm Spot

Tape the sealed bag to a window where it can get indirect sunlight or place it in another warm spot. Seeds generally germinate faster with warmth and consistent light.

Step 5: Check the Bag Daily

Monitor the bag daily. Ensure the paper towel remains moist. If it starts to dry out, add a small amount of water. Be cautious not to overwater, as too much water can cause the seeds to rot.

Step 6: Watch for Germination

Within a few days to a week, you should start to see the seeds sprouting. The roots will grow downward, and the shoots will push upwards. Once the seeds have germinated and the young plants are visible, it’s time to transfer them to the soil. If you’re interested in learning how to grow hostas, now is the perfect moment to ensure you provide them with the right conditions for continued growth.

Tips to Grow a Seed in a Ziplock Bag

  • Label your bags with the seed name and date to track the germination process.
  • Use a spray bottle for gentle watering to avoid disturbing the seeds.
  • Ensure the bag is placed in a spot with consistent warmth but not in direct sunlight, which can overheat the seeds.
  • For better results, consider using a germination mat to maintain a steady temperature.
  • If you notice any mold, replace the paper towel and start again to avoid contaminating your seeds and you can start cilantro seeds indoors again to avoid contaminating your seeds.

What Seeds Can Grow in a Plastic Bag?

Many seeds can be started using this method, including:

  • Vegetables: Peas, lettuce, basil
  • Herbs: Cilantro, oregano
  • Flowers: Shasta Daisies, Echinacea

Can You Grow Plants in Plastic Bags?

While you can start seeds in plastic bags, it’s crucial to transfer them to soil once they’ve germinated. Plastic bags don’t provide the necessary nutrients and space for plants to grow fully.

Can You Germinate Seeds in a Ziplock Bag?

Absolutely! Germinating seeds in a ziplock bag is an effective way to observe the initial stages of plant growth. This method provides the right amount of moisture and warmth needed for seeds to germinate quickly.

How to Germinate Seeds in Ziplock Bags

  • Prepare: Moisten the paper towel and place the seeds on it.
  • Seal: Place the towel in a ziplock bag and seal it partially.
  • Warm Spot: Place the bag in a warm, bright location.
  • Monitor: Check daily for moisture levels and signs of germination.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Too much water: Overwatering can cause the seeds to rot.
  • Overcrowding: Give each seed enough space to grow.
  • Direct sunlight: Avoid placing the bag in direct sunlight, which can overheat the seeds.
  • Forgetting to check: Regularly monitor the moisture levels and germination progress.

Benefits of Growing Seeds in a Plastic Bag

  • Controlled environment: You can control the moisture and warmth.
  • Observation: Easy to monitor the germination process. especially when you Grow Bonsai From Seed.
  • Space-saving: Ideal for indoor gardening and limited spaces.
  • Educational: Great for teaching kids about plant growth.


Growing seeds in a ziplock bag is a simple, fun, and educational activity that can be enjoyed by both children and adults. It offers a close-up view of the fascinating process of seed germination and is an excellent way to start your gardening journey. Whether you’re using it as a science experiment or to start your garden, this method is highly effective and ensures a high germination rate.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How do you germinate seeds in a Ziplock bag?

To germinate seeds in a Ziplock bag, start by dampening a paper towel and folding it into the bag. Press the seeds along one side of the bag, ensuring they are firmly against the paper towel. Seal the bag tightly and hang it in a window using tape. Make sure the beans are visible on the side where your child will be observing their seeds sprout.

Can you put seeds in plastic bags?

Yes, you can put seeds in plastic bags. Ensure they are stored in a cool, dry location away from sunlight to maintain their viability for future planting seasons. Exposure to temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit can greatly decrease the chance of your seeds sprouting. I always use sealed containers, wax, or paper envelopes for extra protection, but plastic bags work just as well if handled properly.

How do you grow seedlings in a bag?

  1. Gather your supplies: seeds, a paper towel, and a sandwich bag.
  2. Wet the paper towel and add seeds to it.
  3. Place the wet paper towel inside the sandwich bag.
  4. Put the bag in a warm spot and monitor the growth.
  5. Once the seeds are germinated, transfer them to pots for further growth.

How to start a plant in a bag?

Fill a ziplock bag with quality soil, compost, and potting mix. Place seeds on top, cover lightly, and water thoroughly. Find a sunny spot to help the plants grow, ensuring the bag can retain moisture without becoming heavy.

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